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(1 edit)

Game was fun for the first few rounds. Here is some feedback:

  • Standing on objects in the maps prevents common enemy from attacking you. Some objects break enemy navigation entirely.
  • Strategy boils down to buy any stock when cheap. Wait until ATK stock tanks and other stocks spike. Sell other stocks. Buy ATK stock. Profit!
  • No option to cap FPS, game runs at uncapped framerate.
  • Sometimes rounds would have 1 enemy or 100 enemies. Unclear when the boss type enemy would spawn.
  • Dying and restarting didn't reset round counter.

    Decently fun concept! Movement and shooting feel very smooth, overall aesthetic is very on point too! 

    I did have the ATK stock price go down to 1 cent in my second round which allowed me to have near infinite money for the rest of the game xD 

    Thanks for playing it! hehe yes sometimes the stocks will go super low! btw we're working on an updated build. we'll share it on a declog soon!